Combat Online, also known as Combat 5, is a thrilling first-person multiplayer shooter created by NadGames. As a sequel to the popular Combat Reloaded, Combat Online brings the same action-packed battles you love, now with even more advanced visuals.
Game Features:
- Multiple Game Modes: Join Free For All (FFA), Capture the Flag (CTF), or Team Battle.
- Diverse Arenas: Face off against players from around the world in various arenas.
- Map Editor: Create your own arenas for a personalized challenge. You can even design levels where the goal is to go “Only UP!” Do you have what it takes to become the ultimate combat champion?
How to Play:
- Aim and Shoot: Mouse
- Move: WASD keys
- Jump: Spacebar
- Change Weapons: 1-9 number keys
- Sprint: Shift
About the Developer: Combat Online, also known as Combat 5, is developed by NadGames, a game development studio based in Mexico. NadGames is also the creator of Combat Reloaded and Combat Reloaded 2.